Jade Dynasty Wiki
Clever Rebuttal
Clever rebuttal
Wall paintings were discovered in a cave on Foxhill. Their origin is unknown but they seem to be in accord with Vim teachings.

While effect lasts, damage is reflected and caster becomes immune to sleep.
(When activated, checks caster's PvP settings to determine whether or not damage can be reflected. While effect lasts, PvP settings cannot be changed. Use with caution. If opponent dies from reflected damage, infamy will increase.)

For -- seconds, reflect --% damage. Caster is immune to sleep for the first -- seconds.

Cooldown: 180 seconds

Faction Vim
Tier 5
Level 135
Cast time 1 second
Target Self
Prerequisite Mohun Juma rank 1

Rank table[]

Rank Damage reflection Sleep immunity Spirit Level
1 10% for 20 sec 10 sec 680 135
2 ?? ?? ?? ??
3 ?? ?? ?? ??
4 ?? ?? ?? ??
5 ?? ?? ?? ??